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Writer's picture: Raven Aton - ATON.OF.LOVERaven Aton - ATON.OF.LOVE

If you read my previous blog post you know I recently refinished my laundry room! To finish off the room I wanted to build my own double doors in order to save money, as well as have more clearance for the door swing.


$217 TOTAL!


You can use any tools you have, but these are the tools I had in my garage.

Step 1: Measure the doorway! Instead of measuring the opening, we measured the actual door. The door itself is the exact same width & height as my double closet doors. I used my closet doors as a template for the new laundry room doors. I am not going to provide the exact measurements here, because every door frame will be different.

I knew I wanted double doors & like the slim look for this smaller door frame, but I now needed to decide on a design for the door. I searched the internet and actually found a design I liked from Amazon! After a few minor tweaks I was able to create the look I had imagined. After a Lowes trip to grab the items listed above and I was ready! (I actually purchased too many planks & returned some.)

Step 2: To start this project I used my yellow pine board 1x6's to create the base. We used two full boards + a third that was cut/ripped length wise to the dimensions needed for our opening. These boards were glued together using Gorilla Wood Glue and Wood Clamps.

I let this sit overnight and moved on to the framing pieces. Once again I used my 1x6's to create the border of the door. Measuring and cutting/ripping down to size on all four sides of the base, as well as, the piece that I want to attach in the middle of the door.

Our boards were a little warped from Lowes & we decided to lay cement bags on top of it overnight, which seemed to help.

Now that the frame pieces have sat overnight we used Gorilla Wood Glue to attached the pieces to the frame temporarily & came back in with a nail gun to secure them into place. We also used screws that we installed through the back of the door for extra strength & to support the weight of the door.

Once the frame was completed we moved on to the diagonal design. I had one leftover package (14 sqft) of Pine tongue & groove wall planks from a previous DIY & it worked out perfect!

The tongue & groove held all of the pieces together super well and I was able to dry fit the pieces before gluing and nailing them into place. Once the pine tongue & groove was nailed down I used sandable wood putty to fill in any gaps along the sides and sanded it down smooth once dry.

NOW FOR STAIN ... can you tell this is my favorite part?! To achieve the color I wanted I used two different stains. I went in first with a black gel stain and immediately after with a coat of a penetrating stain in the color English Chestnut.

After the stain was dried for 24hrs I used a oil based polyurethane and applied two coats. I love the shiny element it added to the doors!

I couldn't find a door handle I was happy with, so I went out of the box and used towel bars flipped on their side from Hobby Lobby. I love the rustic masculine look they bring to the doors.

Thank you for following along! I hope you can recreate this look OR design your own!

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