While it would be amazing to have a full scale laundry room renovation & the budget to go along with it, the reality is most of us don't have the time or the extra funds. That doesn't mean you are stuck! There are budget friendly options out there for every household.

This renovation started with one of my design boards! It allows me to pull all of my thoughts together & really get an understanding of budget. It is also a great way to see all of your decisions in one place & make sure that they flow well.

Now that you have an idea of where we are going, let us take a look back at where we started. We moved into this house in December 2019, after a PCS from Moody Air Force Base. The house was originally built in 1991 by The Duff Family. As the Duff's grew older the house became too much to manage and they sold the home to a couple that I won't name. That couple sold it to us, but they didn't make any updates to the house while they resided here. So that means that I am working with a house straight outta the 90s!
The room is a good size, but it is not the best layout. The laundry room door opens into the room and eats up a good amount of wall space. The sink is on the far end of the room and my current shelf blocks it from being used. The cabinets above the washer & dryer are in good condition and actually very large. The flooring is vinyl and needs work. My favorite part of this laundry room is the vintage ironing board that is tucked in to the wall and built in 1990! I also love that this space has a large window, as my last laundry room in Georgia was very dark. I started this renovation by removing everything from the room and removing all of the cabinet doors and hardware.

After a quick trip to Lowes I knew penny tiles were the right choice for flooring, but I wasn't sold on a color yet and Instagram helped me choose! Teal actually won, but my store was sold out of almost all of the teal tiles. I managed to buy enough teal to outline the design I planned on creating and finished the rest of the flooring in white. While at Lowes I also picked up the hardboard that was going on the wall behind the Washer & Dryer.

It attached the hardboard with liquid nails and a nail gun / air compressor after cutting it down to size. It was also time to rip out the vinyl flooring, and this was a pain. The vinyl flooring was put in well so it made it more difficult to take out.
Now that the flooring was removed & the hardboard was secured to the wall it was time to replace the cabinet doors. This included the ironing board door as well. I painted the cabinets with Dixie Belle Slick Stick (can be purchased on Easy) and then 3 coats of Sherwin Williams Black Magic. The ironing board door was also painted with Dixie Belle Slick Stick, but it got 3 coats of chalkboard paint instead.

I order new hardware for the cabinet doors from Amazon and the quality was really nice. As you can see above I also gave the entire room a new coat of paint! The trim work is Sherwin Williams Software and the walls are Sherwin Williams Alabaster. I love the reverse look in this room and it keeps the space looking clean and large.
This sink that was hidden in the corner before had a dingy old faucet on it and just wasn't cutting it for me. I decided to spray paint the outside of the sink black and I ordered a new faucet from Amazon (THE PRICE IS CRAZY GOOD) I cannot believe how nice this faucet is for the price. MIND BLOWN. Seriously go check it out. I also sprayed all of the existing hardware and the vent cover to save a little cash as well.

Now it is time to get started on the penny tile. I have a step-by-step saved on my Instagram story highlights, and I also plan on writing another blog post with more details. For now lets breeze on through. The tile was rather easy to install and I'll link every product I used. I started by laying the tile down and getting a dry fit for my pattern. Looking back I wish I would have staggered them in both directions, but you live and you learn. After dry fitting I attached the tile with a tile adhesive and allowed to dry over night.

I choose the pattern that says (WASH*DRY*FOLD) and I am really happy with it! The best part about penny tile is you don't actually need a tile saw to install it. I was able to do everything I needed with a razor blade. Next, I mixed up the grout in the color white and got to work.

Grouting is very easy with penny tile because you literally place it everywhere and smooth in down in the cracks with a tile float. Work in sections you can reach, because you will need to wash the remaining grout off of the tile with a sponge and warm water (repeat this process 3 or 4 times) you will notice the haze on the tile is gone once finished.
I snagged these cute hanging baskets from ikea for a great price and hung them in the corner. I am a crazy plant lady and will have them in every room of the house when I can. Don't mind the unfinished baseboards...still working on that.

Now for a up close of the iron board insert. This was manufactured in 1990 and put in the house in 1991 when it was built. I love this thing! I replaced the light bulb with a neat Edison bulb and changed out the old dirty cover. I also love that I can write fun sayings on it with chalk now.
Last thing to do was add the shelves above the washer & dryer for easy storage and grab n go when washing clothes. We installed it with brackets from Lowes and I just stained the wood to a dark richer color. The cute storage bins are from Wal Mart and the glass jars from Hobby Lobby!

I built new doors for the laundry room which are pictured below! --> They have there own blog post with directions! Thanks for following along!